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Can you accept who you are?
By Alan Howard

When will you accept yourself?

As God's creation, you are in a state of perfection. Therefore, everything you do is perfect. You can't be any better. We can't give you an extra arm to be a better person, or another eye. 

When will you forgive yourself?

Feel the perfection that you are.

You can't do any wrong, as you are living out God's plan. It’s all meant to be, and it's still all yet to be played out. You aren't judged by God, or by anyone else. When they make judgements against you, they are only defining themselves, not you. You are the only one who has the right to make judgements about yourself, and you have the power to be in control of how you see yourself.

Right now, you are probably giving that power to others. You may be seeing yourself negatively through their eyes.

Take back your power.

Be yourself, and be happy with that.

I am. I'm happy with who you are, even though I may not know you. I know everything I need to know about you.

I know your soul. I know that part of you that you try to deny, that you try to downplay, that you try to fit in with what others think might be worthwhile. I know that inside, you are screaming out, wanting to be free of this trap you have created for yourself, the trap of caring how others see you.

You pretend that you live your own life, but instead, the people around you have the power. They influence your life, and direct your thoughts and your actions. You are a slave to the perceptions of others. They don't need to dictate to you verbally. You care how they perceive you, and so you try to fit in with how you think they would like you. You are allowing your perception of other people's reactions dictate your life to you. 

There’s this huge tall poppy syndrome in Australia and NZ, where people who are happy with themselves are considered egotistical... etc. Stop being so happy with yourself, and so full of pride, they say. Get over it, they say. 

I don't want to get over it. Do you?

Stop caring about what other people think.

Be egotistical. Be happy with who you are. You are worth it. Care less about the ignorance in the people around you and their tall poppy syndromes. They are unhappy and lonely and want you to hang around with them in that state of mind, so of course they're going to discourage anything that is possibly going to take you away from them.

Realise though, that it's subconscious on their part. Don't judge them negatively for it; just learn to be who you really are. They will either accept that and grow with you, or you will leave them behind, and find people who will definitely be on your level as you grow.

Can you accept who you are? That’s what you need to do right now. Try it. You just might end up liking yourself, and being happy.

And that's the way it should be.

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© 2001 Alan Howard